Watch CPH:CONFERENCE 2022 - Business As Unusual
The sessions of CPH:CONFERENCE 2022 Business As Unusual are now available to watch! In these three afternoons, curated by The Catalysts, we rethink authorship and ownership (Claim your Story!), funding sources (Follow the Money!) and meaningful impact (Shaping Success.). Business shall not be made as usual, if we want to challenge the status quo and avoid narrowing and commodifying the diversity and richness of non-fiction.
Day 1: Claim Your Story!
It all begins with a story. Giving access to unheard voices, sharing creative power and protecting the most vulnerable protagonists are warrants for documentaries that stand up for themselves, reaching far beyond any market value. Who may actually tell their own stories? How can co-creation secure the authenticity of culturally diverse stories? And how to work respectfully with all contributors?
Session 1: Poh Si Teng`s keynote speech "Shifting Power"
Session 2: My Story, Your Story: Sharing the Power of Creation
Session 3: Beyond Courage: Trauma-Informed Storytelling
Day 2: Follow the Money!
Which doors are open for funding? For whom? With the diminishment of the broadcast sector and the emergence of platforms homogenizing the content, how can we drive a systemic change to secure a stable business model for a more diverse and thriving industry? We explore sustainable economic mindsets and the unbeaten paths of new funding models supporting us to build the future we want.
Session 1: Derren Lawford`s keynote speech "Seismic change, systemic change: how to shape the future of funding?"
Session 2: Public Broadcasters & Equity Funding: Opponents or Complements?
Session 3: The New Sources and Models of Funding
Day 3: Shaping Success
After making their documentaries visible by finding their audiences and distribution channels, filmmakers may ask: who actually holds the power to call their work a success? Is impact the success metrics of documentaries, and if yes, how to measure it properly? But beyond the projects, what is real success for documentary filmmakers who want to shape the way people understand the world?
Session 1: Mandy Chang`s keynote speech: "Towards a Real Golden Age of Documentary Filmmaking"
Session 2: The Facets of Success: from Visibility to Social Impact
Session 3: Single Projects vs. Sustainable Career: The Real Path to Success
Session 4: Renzo Martens` keynote speech: "What`s Success, Anyway?"