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Disposable People

Project status
  • Remi Award for Creative Excellence and Special Jury Award at Annual WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival (2006)
Disposable People

Two Nigerian brothers travel from their home village in former Biafra to Zindar in the south of Niger. Here they begin to search for the abductors who had sold the younger one into slavery some years earlier. Their motives are complex.

The ex-slave still suffers from the after effects of his incarceration: Confronting his former slave-masters promises emotional and spiritual relief, which derives from his belief that he must break the spell that had been put on him long ago. And he wants revenge. Not in a physical way but by reporting the slavers to the authorities and helping free those who might still be enslaved.

Team Partner

Monika Hielscher, producer

Producer / Production Details

Rhizomfilm in association with NDR and ARTE
With participation of German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Supported by Hamburg Film Fund