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Martin Kießling


Martin Kießling


Martin Kießling, born and raised in Franconia, Germany, moved to Munich after high school and civil service, gaining early experience in TV and film through internships and an apprenticeship as an audiovisual media designer. He worked across various film departments - including camera, lighting, production, and direction - for companies like XFilme and Studio Hamburg. In 2011, he received the Hollywood Scholarship from MedienCampus Bayern and completed a BA in Design at Georg Simon Ohm University Nuremberg in 2014, focussing on Film & Animation, Photography, and Language Design. Fictional films, which he wrote, directed, and edited, were screened and awarded at international festivals.

Back in Munich, he worked as a Senior Creative Producer on commercials, corporate films, and TV documentaries for ARD, ZDF, and ARTE.  His first feature-length documentary, Southside Heroes, won the Best Director Award at the Guko International Kids Film Festival in Seoul in 2020. In 2024, he earned an MA in Film & Digital Media with distinction from Liverpool John Moores University, specializing in Creative Documentary.

Today, Martin works internationally as a cinematographer, editor, director, and writer, creating documentaries, fiction films, commercials, and music videos.

