Ahoy Utopia

If we had the chance to build the world from scratch, what would it look like? Utopian and writer Greta Taubert goes on a journey to explore platforms on the world’s last free space: water. She meets people that build rafts, swimming houses, communities, gardens, animal farms, clubs, saunas and even free floating nations. Her journey takes her from an autarkic DIY island in Canada to vibrant floating fisher villages in Vietnam, from the urban houseboat hipsters in Berlin to the first swimming cow farmer in Rotterdam - and even further. The water pioneers show what this uncertain element can teach us about our uncertain future - and how to get along with it. The film accompanies Greta‘s search for hope in times of global crises - by diving into the world’s most promising projects for life on water.
Team Partner
Tina Leeb
Jürgen Kleinig
Producer / Production Details
Neue Celluloid Fabrik