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A Better Internet for My Sister

a better internet for my sister

In a world where our lives are scrutinized with every click and share, Marc, a young computer science researcher, embarks on a crucial mission: to combat surveillance capitalism, a sprawling industry that threatens our democracies by massively collecting our personal data. His goal is ambitious: to convince every citizen of the Web to break free from the grip of Big Tech. But before tackling this colossal task, Marc chooses to start by convincing one person in particular: his little sister, Flora. Through this personal struggle, he hopes to raise awareness and show that another Internet is possible—one where privacy and freedom of expression are not just illusions. This documentary series is more than just a testimony; it is a message of hope, intended not only for Flora, but for all sisters, all brothers, and their parents. Marc wants to demonstrate that together, each of us can contribute to creating a more ethical, more human Web. Whether you're a Marc or a Flora, it is possible to make a difference.

About Marc Damie's research:

PPML addresses increasing privacy concerns related to AI technology. Marc's research project focuses on scaling PPML protocols for practical use cases such as healthcare and decentralized social media platforms. As these research directions introduce novel privacy and decentralization constraints, they incite use rethinking the architecture of our online services.