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The Lost River

nairobi streaming

An immersive documentary that explores the ongoing struggle to revive the highly polluted Nairobi River, which thousands of communities in informal settlements depend on for their livelihoods. Despite numerous attempts, top-down restoration efforts – where decisions are made in boardrooms and imposed on communities – have repeatedly failed, marking this as the seventh attempt. This documentary shifts the focus to the community's perspective, offering an interactive narrative that delves into the lived experiences of Nairobi's riverine residents as they navigate complex interactions with various stakeholders in their bid to restore the river. Beyond the environmental challenges, the film uncovers deeper systemic issues, revealing how governance structures, policies, and processes perpetuate structural inequalities in urban environments.

About Valentine's research:

Honoured as an Alexander von Humboldt International Climate Protection Fellow in 2021-2022, Valentine is recognized for her commitment to global climate action. Her current research, grounded in a political ecological perspective, delves into the governance of green spaces in Nairobi's informal settlements. Examining everyday practices and interactions, she uncovers the evolving dynamics of green space management, exploring power dynamics, community engagement, and policy frameworks. Valentine's work extends beyond academia, aiming to inform policymakers and empower communities for more sustainable and equitable urban environments. Valentine envisions green spaces as catalysts for community empowerment and environmental resilience in urban areas.