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Alexander Krötsch

Alexander Krötsch

Alexander Krötsch

schöne neue filme

Alexander Krötsch (1981) is a creative producer for documentaries and fiction film. He worked for several production companies and as art director for branded content before he went on to study movie production and media economics at the Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München. In 2013 he founded the Munich based production company schöne neue filme. He got several nominations and awards for his productions and work on German and international festivals, such as the nomination for the nationally acclaimed Grimme Award, the Studio Hamburg Producer’s Award and he won the Starter Film Award for Producing. He recently finished an advanced training for green film producing. His most recent film C´MON LET`S GET EXTINCT is meant to make a relevant contribution to one of the most important questions of the 21st century: how do we balance the human impact on the planet´s biosphere? Alongside the release of the film, he plans together with Marcel to launch an impact campaign with direct calls to action to the audience as well as political decision-makers.