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Ida Hausdorf

Ida Hausdorf

Ida Hausdorf

Community Manager & Social Media Editor
Interactive Media Foundation, Not Just Celsius

Ida is a social media manager and impact strategist and currently works as Community Manager on the “Not Just Celsius” media campaign.

Ida holds a BA in Psychology & Communications from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany) and a MA in Television and Cross Media Culture from the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands).
Ida`s expertise revolves around digital communication strategies and social media storytelling with a strong focus on psychological processes of media consumption & educational (political/historical) work in the digital space.

Ida has acquired profound experiences ranging from working as community manager & editor at “IchbinSophieScholl” - an award-winning digital storytelling project by the German public broadcast unveiling the story and historical complexities of German resistance during the Nazi Regime, to being digital lead of “Dokumentale”, an International Film- and Media Festival. Furthermore, Ida explores the potential of Impact production within the media landscape as part of “The Good Media Network” and digital impact advisor for media productions.