We are delighted to invite you back to the highlight pitching event of the Documentary Campus calendar which will take place in Halle (Saale) Germany from 31 October to 1 November. Over two days, Masterschool 2024 participants will present the brand new projects they have developed in our 10-month training programme to key international industry representatives. In addition participants of the SILBERSALZ Institute creative lab will present cutting-edge science projects which are being developed into various media formats - film, immersive, interactive and arts. The afternoons are dedicated to one-to-one meetings and a parallel industry programme. Please note the final pitching order of projects will be publised before the event! The programme is still subject to slight changes.
Around the event is the buzzying SILBERSALZ Science & Media Festival with amazing talks, installations, films and exhibitions.
Take advantage of the Early Bird offer until 7 October!
DAY 1 - Registration and Morning Shake
Come in time to pick up your badge and get into the vibe with DJ Mission Discovery!
Welcome and Official Opening
Donata von Perfall, Managing Director of Documentary Campus
Christina Herßebroick, Head of Department "Society", MDR
Dr Claudia Schreiner, Head of Studies, Masterschool
Opening Keynote: The Future of Creativity
In this keynote, Professor Angela Chan, Head of Inclusive Futures at the UK’s new national lab for creative technology, tackles the risks and opportunities of the coming wave of AI and emerging technologies for documentary makers.
She explores the ‘push and pull’ of some of the new tools which will reshape the landscape of the creative industries in the next few years. For the documentary community, AI simultaneously offers the possibility of greater equality of creative access alongside new risks and responsibilities. Angela argues that the rapid pace of technological development challenges the integrity of filmmakers, commissioners, funders and distributors alike. In the absence of regulation in this fast-changing landscape, how much can we rely on the Big Tech players and regulation to provide the answers? And what responsibilities should we take on as individuals to maintain the positive contribution of documentary as a democratising force for society?
Prof. Angela Chan, Head of Inclusive Futures, CoSTAR National Lab, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Masterschool Pitch Block 1
Moderators Gitte Hansen and Rudy Buttignol introduce the pitching day. Four brand new projects or Masterschool 2024 will pitch for the first time. Surprise pitch will be announced.
Projects pitching are:
Dear Future, I Am Ready - Özlem Sariyildiz
Statefree - Annelie Boros, Lea Neu
Bittersweet - Of Men And Bees - Jana Lindner, Christoph Peters
An Inconvenient Doom - Niki Drozdowski
Coffee Break
Time to network and get to know each other.
SILBERSALZ Institute Pitch Block 1
Three brand new film projects, one interactive and one immersive project of SILBERSALZ Institute will pitch for the first time. At the end of the session the surprise pitch winner is announced.
Projects pitching are:
A Better Internet for My Sister - Marc Damie, Yann Romagné
Void of Voids - Encieh Erfani, Jacopo Sacquegno
A Tooth Unfairy Story - Nicolás Camilo Zanetta-Colombo, Beatriz Buttazzoni
The Lost River - Valentine Opanga, Zippy Nyaruri
Nano Party - Emmanuel Hadji, Jamie Perera
Grab some food and network
Masterschool Pitch Block 2
Three brand new Masterschool projects will pitch for the first time. The lucky surprise pitch winner will also take to the stage.
Projects pitching are:
Memoirs of Jerusalem - Kinda Kurdi, Brian Hill
The Scientists Who Said No - Juha Löppönen, Okku Nuutilainen
A Land That Time Forgot - Denis Pavlovic, Julia Pavlovic
One-to-One Meetings
Projects which pitched on Day 1 have meetings with experts.
Science Sparks
Young emerging talents present their ground-breaking ideas in science to media professionals. Join us in the comfy downstairs lounge and be inspired by the next generation! In collaboration with "Jugend forscht".
Projects are:
TT-Bot - Eva Shi, David Shi
Optimization of the Rail Network- Tim Kiebert
PCR4future- DIY-based Thermalcyclers - Annkatrin Reeh, Eleni Stegmaier
Moderator: Niobe Thompson
ARTE Reception
Join us for some drinks and network.
DAY 2- Registration
Come in time, have a morning coffee and get into the vibe!
SILBERSALZ Institute Pitch Block 2 - IMMERSIVE & ARTS
Four brand new immersive & arts projects of SILBERSALZ Institute 2024 will pitch for the first time.
Projects pitching are:
Lesabéndio: An Outer World Adventure - Katharina Scheerer, Julia Bruton
Entanglement - Afaf Mikou, Angeline The, Daniel Bacchus
Microbial Metropolis and AMR - Tomislav Mestrovic, Camilla Sauner
Seeing How Machines See - Liubov Tupikina, Vladyslav Afanasiev
Short Break
Short break to re-energise
Masterschool Pitch Block 3
Four brand new projects of Documentary Campus Masterschool 2024 will pitch for the first time.
Projects pitching are:
The Skin Scape of Caroline Coon - John O'Rourke
Gay & Grey - Julia M. Free, Katleen Goossens
Victory or Death - The Many Lives Of Monika Ertl - Felix Meyer-Christian, Florian Schewe
They Got You Fighting A Culture War - Nicole Wegner, Matthew McDonald-Bates
Coffee Break
Time to network and get to know each other.
Masterschool Pitch Block 4
Four brand new projects of Documentary Campus Masterschool 2024 will pitch for the first time.
The projects pitching are:
Bound Together - Darta Krasone, Ruta Znotina
A Good Cause - Nina Faye
Justice in The Land of Fog - Laura Dauden
Fading Lights - Flaminia Iacoviello
Grab some food and network.
Four brand new immersive & arts projects of SILBERSALZ Institute 2024 will pitch for the first time.
Projects pitching are:
Guardians of the Shining Light - Dr. Zainab Kidwai, Daniel Bacchus
What I CNU - Aidan Michaels, Michelle Leddon
Expedition in A Box - Anna-Sophie Jürgens, Sindi Bershani
Microbial Odyssey - Theda Ulrike Patricia Bartolomaeus, Michal Mitro
Pitch Awards
Awards for the best pitches of the two days will be presented by our partner festivals and markets.
One-to-One Meetings
Projects which pitched on Day 2 have meetings with experts.
Industry Workshop - Using social media and community building to drive social impact
This interactive session dives into the work on impactful media campaigns, both online and offline. It explores the power of social media storytelling, community building, and the seamless integration of digital and physical spaces to drive meaningful change. A key focus will be the "Not Just Celsius" media campaign, which aims to make the first-ever climate proceedings at the International Court of Justice accessible to a broader audience. Participants will gain valuable insights and practical tools to transform their ideas into impact-driven projects.
Presented by:
Laurence Ivil, Content Director, Interactive Media Foundation, Not Just Celcius
Ida Hausdorf, Community Manager & Social Media Editor, Interactive Media Foundation, Not Just Celsius
Accreditation gives access to the pitches and the Industry programme as well as all films and events of the SILBERSALZ Science & Media Festival and includes lunch on both days.
Early bird: 190 EUR - 7 October
Full price: 210 EUR
Reduced price (delegations, Eastern European producers, DC alumni and students): 120 EUR
Looking for a play to stay? The Dorint- Charlottenhof Halle (Saale) is just a short tram ride away!